It can be hard to be present on social media when striving to operate in racial unity. When our friend group extends beyond people who think like we think, there is plenty of temptation to argue and debate our views online. This is dangerous for Kingdom unity and diversity. Social media is as real in our world as the daily conversations we have in public. If we want to create unity in the physical, we also have to create unity online. As believers, it is our duty to be unified in our devotion to Jesus and love for one another. I want to talk about ways we can create bridges to unity rather than chasms. First things first, arguing over social media will never change someone’s heart. Heart change comes directly from the Holy Spirit. While it is important for us to speak truth, we have to trust the Holy Spirit to speak to people's’ hearts. If you really feel it is important to share your views on something, share in person in loving relationship and always be ready to listen. We tend to communicate differently online than we would face to face. Having conversations in person takes away any temptation to forget the humanity of the person we are talking to. Second, communicate compassionately. We do the Kingdom a disservice when we share our views in a way that is completely devoid of compassion. Compassion doesn’t water down truth, it gives life to truth. Jesus was moved by love and compassion when he told the rich leader to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. That was a very challenging and strong word, but it was spoken out of love for him. We should always do the same. Third, it is important for us as a Christian community to take personal responsibility for Kingdom justice in our cities. It is easy for us to look at politicians and shake our fists at them, but I think we first should shake our fists at ourselves. How are we looking at the injustices around us and asking God to give us wisdom on how to combat them? When we are busy at work righting the wrongs in our communities, we have an opportunity to invite others into being the solution. I believe that the Christian community is still powerful and able to make radical change in our world today! Do you believe that? Do you believe you can be a part of that? It is really easy to post a view on Facebook or share a picture on Instagram. It is way harder to share hard truth to a friend and listen when they disagree, truly enter into God’s compassion for the broken and hurting, or take personal responsibility for the injustice in your city; nevertheless, Jesus calls his people to do hard things for the Kingdom! Let’s create some bridges! 10/27/2019 04:16:53 am
You have to make connections with other people, that is just how success is built. If you are too shy to connect with people, then how do you expect to succeed? We cannot rely on ourselves alone, we need to do something about our lives. Personally, I feel like there are not a lot of people who can do it, though. Going back, just trust me, doing things is what truly matters. Just start to build connections, that is what will happen. Comments are closed.
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